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Open Air Festivals 2008

Unsere persönlichen Favoriten anno 2008

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Walpurgis Metal Days VIII

02. + 03.05.2008:
Walpurgis Metal Days VIII in Hauzenberg / Passau (Lower Bavaria)

Darkmoon - Entombed - Thirdmoon - Gods of Emptiness - Hollenthon - Illdisposed - Morphosys - Naglfar - Sodom - The Burning - Sworn - Secrets of the Moon - Wolfchant - Zodiac Ass - Kaothic - U.G.F. - Ultrawurscht ....
29.00 € -- 210 km from Munich, 320 km from Vienna, 420 km from Stuttgart, 20 km from Passau

20. + 21.06.2008:
Summer Nights Festival in Burg Frauenstein, Mining am Inn (Braunau) (Austria)

Mayhem - Volbeat - Belphegor - Maroon - Equilibrium - The Vision Bleak - Riger - Deadlock - Dark Fortress - In Slumber - Fall of Serenity - Mastic Scum - Thirdmoon - Inzest - Varg - Serenity - Darkside + 30 weitere Acts
40.00 € incl. Camping & Parking -- 140 km from Munich, 280 km from Vienna, 350 km from Stuttgart, 70 km from Salzburg

Apocalyptic Form of Death

27. + 28.06.2008:
Apocalyptic Form of Death in Trhové Sviny / České Budějovice (Czech Republic)

Dark Fortress - Lyfthrasyr - Isacaarum - Poppy Seed Grinder - Mater Monstifera - FOB - Belligerence - Dying Passion - Goddamned X - Panychida - Agony - Translunaria - Mortifilia - Samhayn - Lingam - D.A.D. - Breakdown - Proximity - Gynat Resia - Dark Angels - Return To Innocence - Avenger ...
0.00 € tba (350 CZK) -- 360 km from Munich, 170 km from Vienna, 600 km from Stuttgart, 20 km from Budweis

27.06. - 29.06.2008:
Basinfirefest in Spálené Poříčí / Plzeň-jih (Czech Republic)

Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy - Arakain - Apophis - Debustrol - Alkehol - Törr - Heiden - Ingrowing - S.P.S. - V.A.R. - Avenger - Atari Terror - Boron - Carnal - Communic - Crystal Viper - Decide - Dying Passion - Evidence One - Hunter - Imodium - Insania - Interitus - Krucipüsk - Locomotive - Maelström - Moriorr - Pandemia - Paradox - Serotonal - Slobodná Europa - Sto zvířat - Škwor - Tleskač - Visací zámek - Wohnout ...
20.00 € (450 CZK) -- 300 km from Munich, 250 km from Vienna, 470 km from Stuttgart, 50 km from Pilsen

Metal Camp

04. - 08.07.2008:
Metal Camp in Tolmin / Sotočje / Gorica (Slovenia)

Kataklysm - Behemoth - Catamenia - In Flames - Wintersun - Alestorm - Apocalyptica - Celtic Frost - Finntroll - Legion of the Damned - Tankard - Dark Fortress - Ministry - Behemoth - Morbid Angel - Rage - Subway to Sally - In Extremo - Volbeat - Iced Earth - Perishing Mankind - Skyforger - ...
114.00 € (4.-6.7.: 84,- €) inkl. Camping + 10 € Parking -- 400 km from Munich, 430 km from Vienna, 620 km from Stuttgart, 100 km from Ljubljana
Headbangers Holidays 03.-09.07.2008 !!

Obscene Extreme

10. - 12.07.2008:
Obscene Extreme in Trutnov (Czech Republic)

Dead - Impaled Nazarene - Desecration - Drdoom - Splitter - Alehammer - Namek - Dead Beyond Buried - Sakatat - Reth - Vöetsek - Demented Retarded - Putrid Pile - Gonorrhea Pussy ...
26.00 € ? tba - (=700 Kč) + parking ticket -- 540 km from Munich, 320 km from Vienna, 640 km from Stuttgart, 160 km from Prag
** 10 Years of Obscene Extreme **

09. + 10.08.2008:
Mera Luna in Hildesheim (North Germany)

VNV Nation - ASP - Unheilig - Hocico - Ordo Equilibrio - Saltatio Mortis ...
69.00 € incl. Gebühren, incl. 5,- € Müllpfand -- 650 km from Munich, 950 km from Vienna, 550 km from Stuttgart, 30 km from Hannover


14. - 16.08.2008:
SummerBreeze in Dinkelsbühl (South Germany)

Rotten Sound - 6ft Under - ASP - Autumn - Behemoth - Dark Fortress - Destruction - Ensiferum - Exodus - Fleshcrawl - Gorerotted - Graveworm - Kataklysm - Korpiklaani - Marduk - Neaera - Novembre - Orphaned Land - Paradise Lost - Saltatio Mortis - Schelmish - Subway to Sally - Vision Bleak - Tyr ....
60.00 € incl. camping & parking -- 170 km from Munich, 580 km from Vienna, 120 km from Stuttgart, 100 km from Nürnberg


19. - 21.09.2008:
Festival-Mediaval in Selb (BY)/Aš (CZ) (Bavaria/Czech Rep.)

Hedningarna - Skyclad - Kampfar - Värttina - Schelmish - Saltatio Mortis - Subway to Sally - Faun - Potentia Animi - Qntal - Violet - Corvus Corax - Omnia - Estampie - Adas - Dunkelschön - Veitstanz - Livonia - Lurte - Góthien - Elexorien - Rhiannon - Furunkulus - Streuner - Weytora - Ingrimm ...
69.00 € + VVK, incl. Camping, Parking -- 275 km from Munich, 500 km from Vienna, 360 km from Stuttgart, 200 km from Prague
Mittle-Age Fest (Archery Tournament, Market, Theatre Stage, Cabaret)

Mitfahrgelegenheit! - Wenn irgendjemand auf eines der obigen Festivals von München aus fährt oder mitfahren möchte, kann sich gerne bei uns melden. Vielleicht geht ja was zam ...

All Open Air Festivals in Central Europe

- An incomplete Festival and Open Air List -

02. + 03.05.2008 Hauzenberg / Passau (BY)

Walpurgis Metal Days VIII

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01. - 03.05.2008 Altes Lager / Jüterborg (O)

Fuck the Commerce

Excrementory Grindfuckers - Goryptic - Volturyon - Spawn - Houwitser - Debauchery - Internal Decay - Flaying - Slit - The Atmosfear - Purgatory - - Holocausto Canibal - Inferia - Mass Infection - Eternal Bleeding ...

31.90 € incl. Camping + Parking, + Post --


09. - 11.05.2008 Gelsenkirchen (D)


Immortal - Celtic Frost - Paradise Lost - Y&t - Amorphis - Jorn - Napalm Death - Volbeat - Enslaved - Helstar - Moonsorrow - Asphyx - Sieges Even - Lake Of Tears ...

59.00 € + 5,- € Post + 12,50 € Camping + 10% VVK --


23. + 24.05.2008 Marktsteft / Kitzingen (BY)


J.B.O - Cripper - Dornenreich - Edenbridge - Final Breath - Negura Bunget - Paradox - Perfect Engine - Svartsot - Sworn - Tyr - Wolfchant ...

27.00 € incl. Parking + Camping + Versand --


06. - 08.06.2008 Wachenroth near Erlangen (BY)

Suffering Life Festival

Marduk - Onslaught - Beloved Enemy - Cryptopsy - Dryrot - Emeth - Golem - Grind Inc. - Horrid - Ingrowing - Maroon - Witchburner ....

25.00 € -- 220 km from Munich, 540 km from Vienna, 200 km from Stuttgart, 30 km from Erlangen


20. + 21.06.2008 Burg Frauenstein, Mining am Inn (Braunau) (A)

Summer Nights Festival

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19. - 21.06.2008 Kleinwenkheim / Münnerstadt (BY)

Queens of Metal

Onslaught - Gorefest - Dying Fetus - Fleshcrawl - Knorkator - Runamok - Brainstorm - Fleshless - Van Canto - Krwth - Leng Tch´e - Elensis - ...

29.00 € incl. Parking, Camping + Post -- 320 km from Munich, 650 km from Vienna, 220 km from Stuttgart, 40 km from Schweinfurt


20. - 22.06.2008 Clisson / Nantes (F)


Motörhead - Opeth - Morbid Angel - In Flames - Dimmu Borgir - Carcass - Testament - Paradise Lost - Mayhem - Death Angel - Marduk - Eluveite - Septic Flesh - Satyricon - Ministry - Iced Earth - Sodom - Forbidden - Anathema - Treponem Pal - Impaled Nazarene - Belphegor - Obituary - Dying Fetus - Primordial ...

109.00 € incl. parking+camping -- 1150 km from Munich, 1600 km from Vienna, 950 km from Stuttgart, 400 km from Paris


27. + 28.06.2008 Trhové Sviny / České Budějovice (CZ)

Apocalyptic Form of Death

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27. + 28.06.2008 Balingen (D)

Bang Your Head

Queensrÿche - Judas Priest - Saxon - Rage - Yngwie Malmsteen - Tankard - Ensiferum - Obituary - Agent Steel - Onslaught - Korpiklaani - Forbidden - Tyr

65.00 € + 15,- € Camping (incl. 5€ Müll) + 10,- € Parking/Auto + VVK --


27.06. - 29.06.2008 Spálené Poříčí / Plzeň-jih (CZ)


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27. - 29.06.2008 Dessel (B)

Graspop Metal Meeting

Iron Maiden - Whitesnake - Ministry - Judas Priest - Sonata Arctica - My Dying Bride - Forbidden - At the Gates - Volbeat - Hollenthon ....

125.00 € ? tba. (incl. Camping & Train in België, excl. Reservation. Douche: 1,50 €) -- 750 km from Munich, 1080 km from Vienna, 530 km from Stuttgart, 80 km from Brussel


27. - 29.06.2008 Westerwald / Koblenz (D)

Waldschrat Open Air

Runic - Dalriada - Negurã Bunget - Trollech - Black Messiah - Finsterforst - Sycronomica - Helfahrt - Aes Dana - Nachtgeschrei - Elivagar - Commander - 14 Dark Centuries - Riger ...

40.00 € tba --


04. - 08.07.2008 Tolmin / Sotočje / Gorica (SLO)

Metal Camp

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10. - 12.07.2008 Trutnov (CZ)

Obscene Extreme

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10. - 13.07.2008 Vizovice / Olmouc (CZ)

Masters of Rock

Apocalyptica - Ministry - Within Temptation - Sonata Arctica - Amon Amarth - Moonspell - Gotthard - Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Angra - Oomph! - Sabaton - My Dying Bride - Tristania - Sirenia - Communic - Bloodbound - Engel - The Sorrow - Fourever - Arakain + Pilsen Philharmony - Tři Sestry - Doga ....

40.60 € ? tba - (Camping: 100 Kč p.P./day + 60 Kč/Car&day) -- 650 km from Munich, 190 km from Vienna, 750 km from Stuttgart, 80 km from Olomouc


18. + 19.07.2008 Spital am Semmering (A)

Kaltenbach Open Air

Satyricon - Gorefest - Samael - Grave - Hollenthon - Necrophobic - Graveworm - Urgehal - Dew-scented - Vreid - Negura Bunget - Desaster - Excrementory Grindfuckers - Fleshless - Casketgarden - Mater Monstifera - Return To Innocence - Veritas Mentis - Cremation - Folterkammer - Asathor - Low Chi ....

52.00 € incl. Parking + Camping -- 440 km from Munich, 100 km from Vienna, 680 km from Stuttgart


18. + 19.07.2008 Pössneck (O)

Hells Pleasure Fest

Demonical - Denial of God - Enthroned - Grave - Kawir - Melechesh - Zarathustra ...

33.00 € + 3,- € camping --


19. + 20.07.2008 Köln (D)

Orkus Open Air (Amphi Fest)

Suicide Commando - Deine Lakaien - Haujobb - Eisbrecher - Project Pitchfork - Soko Friedhof - Welle:Erdball - The Klinik - And One - Clan of Xymox - Lacrimas Profundere - Letzte Instanz - Covenant - Grendel - Zeraphine - Zeromancer - Cinderella Effect - Nachtmahr - Tactical Sekt ....

56.00 € incl. Post --

No Camping Area!


25. + 26.07.2008 Urbach / Schwäbisch Gmünd (D)


Hatesphere - Disparaged - Destinity - Sore - Akrival - Davidian - Silent Decay - Torture Squad - Tyr ...

22.00 € ? tba + 3 € Müllpfand -- 200 km from Munich, 660 km from Vienna, 35 km from Stuttgart


25. + 26.07.2008 Obersinn / Fulda - Würzburg (BY)

Eisenwahn (an der Eisenbahn)

Detonation - Fleshless - One Bullet Left - Retaliation - AOK - Deranged - Return to Innocence - Demolition ....

0.00 € tba + Versandkosten -- 330 km from Munich, 670 km from Vienna, 190 km from Stuttgart, 60 km from Fulda and Würzburg


24. - 26.07.2008 Brande-Hörnerkirchen / Elmshorn (D)

Headbangers Open Air

Abandoned - Amulance - Ancestral - Black Hawk - Death SS - Impaler - Lethal - Praying Mantis - Supremacy - Sweet Savage - Wild Dogs ...

38.00 € incl. VVK, Post, WarmUp Show --


31.07 - 02.08.2008 Wacken (D)

Wacken Open Air

Avantasia - Children of Bodom - Iron Maiden - Kreator - Sonata Arctica ...

109.00 € incl. all -- 900 km from Munich, 1200 km from Vienna, 800 km from Stuttgart, 50 km from Hamburg


07. - 09.08.2008 Bad Berka (O)

Partysan Open Air

Obituary - Bolt Thrower - Legion of the Damned - Behemoth - Impaled nazarene - Vreid - Kampfar ...

0.00 € tba --


09. + 10.08.2008 Hildesheim (D)

Mera Luna

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14. - 16.08.2008 Dinkelsbühl (D)


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14. - 16.08.2008 Jaroměř / Hradec Králové (CZ)

Brutal Assualt

Mayhem - Cradle of Filth - Paradise lost - Entombed - Carcass - Agnostic Front - Hollenthon - Behemoth - Cephalic Carnage - Exodus - Kataklysm - Prim ordial - Warbringer ...

44.00 € (1200 Kč) incl. 50 Kč Garbage Deposit -- 510 km from Munich, 300 km from Vienna, 630 km from Stuttgart, 130 km from Prague


14. - 16.08.2008 Komen near Gorica (SLO)

Metal Mania

Impaled Nazarene - Gorgoroth - Vulvathrone - Trail of Tears - Dickless Tracy - Infernal Tenebra - Grimoir - Defiant - Cyclöne - Thraw - Somrak - Pro-Pain - Ragespect - Obduction - Metalsteel - Inmate - Brutart ...

35.00 € camp+park free -- 500 km from Munich, 480 km from Vienna, 730 km from Stuttgart, 30 km from Trieste


12. - 18.08.2008 Budapest (Óbudai Island) (H)

Sziget Festival

Iron Maiden - Die Ärzte - REM - Sex Pistols - ........ und viel Zeugs das ich nicht kenn....

150.00 € incl. Camping / without camping on the island: 120,- € -- 680 km from Munich, 240 km from Vienna, 920 km from Stuttgart


22. + 23.08.2008 Muotathal / Schwyz (CH)

Mountains of Death

Agathocles - Kronos - Insidious Decrepancy - Beheaded - Cephalic Carnate - Despised Icon - Inveracity - Requiem - Sickening - Carnal Decay - Censored - Human Rejection ...

27.50 € (=55.00 CHF) -- , 15 km from Schwyz


29. + 30.08.2008 Losheimer See / Saarland (D)

Rockarea Festival

Sodom - Crematory - Knorkator - Pro-Pain - Suidakra - Desaster - Dew-Scented - E.Grindfuckers - Benighted - Icon ...

29.00 € + 10,- € Camping, + 3,50 € Porto -- 0 km from Munich, 0 km from Vienna, 0 km from Stuttgart, 0 km from


19. - 21.09.2008 Selb (BY)/Aš (CZ) (BY/CZ)


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